Product Description

Get the ease of use and accuracy you expect from the FreeStyle family of products. FreeStyle Precision Neo blood glucose test strips are available over-the-counter. Compatible with the FreeStyle Precision Neo meter and the FreeStyle Libre 2 and FreeStyle Libre 14 day systems.

  • No coding required
  • Small sample size (0.6 microliter)
  • Individually wrapped for easy testing on the go
  • Top fill or end fill blood application
  • Foil wrapped test strips are protected from air and moisture
  • Re-apply blood (within 5 seconds)

Quantity: 50 test strips
Dimensions: L=0.9" x W=2.6" x H=4.6"

Indications and Important Safety Information

FreeStyle Libre 14 day system: Failure to use FreeStyle Libre 14 day system as instructed in labeling may result in missing a severe low or high glucose event and/or making a treatment decision, resulting in injury. If readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a fingerstick value from a blood glucose meter for treatment decisions. Seek medical attention when appropriate or contact Abbott at 855-632-8658 or for safety info.

FreeStyle Libre 2 system: Failure to use FreeStyle Libre 2 system as instructed in labeling may result in missing a severe low or high glucose event and/or making a treatment decision, resulting in injury. If glucose alarms and readings do not match symptoms or expectations, use a fingerstick value from a blood glucose meter for treatment decisions. Seek medical attention when appropriate or contact Abbott at 855-632-8658 or for safety info.

The circular shape of the sensor Housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

More Information
Nutrition Facts