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Product Description
  • Pedialyte AdvancedCare® Plus electrolyte solution has 33% more electrolytes* in every liter to replace more of what you’ve lost due to dehydration
  • Has PreActiv® Prebiotics to help support digestive health
  • Pedialyte® electrolyte solutions help prevent mild to moderate dehydration more effectively than common beverages by quickly replenishing fluids, zinc, and electrolytes
  • From the #1 pediatrician and pharmacist recommended brand for hydration
  • Great for kids and adults

Pedialyte AdvancedCare Plus electrolyte solution is our most advanced way to rehydrate quickly and replace lost fluids and electrolytes to feel better fast. Pedialyte AdvancedCare Plus is an electrolyte drink that offers 33% more electrolytes* and is formulated to replenish more of the electrolytes you may lose due to vomiting, diarrhea, or extreme perspiration caused by excessive heat or prolonged exercise. Pedialyte AdvancedCare Plus also has PreActiv Prebiotics to help promote a healthy digestive system.

*60 mEq sodium electrolytes per liter vs 45 mEq in original Pedialyte.

Among pediatricians and pharmacists surveyed, respectively (2019). Data on file with manufacturer.